Artist Profile: Maya Bobrove

Our Wondering Wolf, Maya has kindly taken the time to share her intimate relationship to her creative outlet. With her medium primarily being journaling, Maya is thoughtful with her words and wonderfully articulate, her story is one not to miss!

Introduce yourself, Maya!

Hey, I’m Maya! I love creativity in all its forms, and I’ve always dabbled in different mediums. Both analog and digital mediums have my heart: I’ve played with the written and spoken word, photography (film and digital), videography, photo+video editing, paint, and good old paper and pens. My creative practice is most notable for the fact that I’ve been keeping journals of my writing and mixed media art for the past ~12 years.

Selection from 2008 - 2013

Selection from 2008 - 2013

32 journals and counting…!

32 journals and counting…!

Can you describe your preferred artistic medium and what it means to you?

My journals are “everything books,” both diary and canvas. They are a huge emotional and artistic outlet, and have become the place where I can document, reflect, and create. My medium of choice has changed over the years, as has the way I use my journals. I used to strictly write, and now I express myself with a mixture of writing and visuals.

The appeal of the book form is threefold: privacy grants permission to create more freely, books are small and portable, and the final product is a work of art -- more than the sum of its parts.

A large part of the reason I make art is the process of creation itself. To express and play, to actively use my hands, my eyes, and my mind. The act of creation is as much the point as the finished product.

Selection from 2015 -2017

Selection from 2015 -2017

Collaborating with Myself

Collaborating with Myself

As an avid Journaler, do you find yourself going back to your old works? If so, can you describe that experience?

I look through older journals occasionally, and around the new year I like to read over the past year’s journals. It’s such a useful practice to document and to reflect. On the more artistic side, it’s fun to see my interests or style change - from poetry to painting to collage and typography.

Are you the type of artist to finish a work in one sitting or leave it and come back to it? 

Sometimes a spread will feel finished when I make it, and sometimes I revisit spreads and add to them at different times. Writing usually takes a few sittings to finesse. 

I’m currently working on a project to create zines, posters, and stickers from some of my art. Since I’m using old as well as new material, it’s like I’m collaborating with myself by remixing and editing older work.

Who/what are your current inspirations?

I’m inspired by life, nature, my friends, online communities about art and journal art, and all the little moments that make me feel enough to want to capture them, and thus create

How does WolfLab encourage you to pursue your artistic endeavours more seriously?

WolfLab has been a really special part of my life because it helps me make space and time for creativity, which is important to me. All the women I’ve met through WolfLab have been encouraging and inspiring, and I’ve loved seeing what we can build together. Having a network of support, not to mention friendship with such badass women, makes me want to explore art and challenge myself more. I’m excited about our upcoming projects and nurturing our community!

Everything Books

Everything Books

Follow Maya Bobrove on Instagram to witness her artistic journey and personal exploration.

*Cover photo by Natasha Launi.